Empowering Veteran Patients through Digital Education How Digitizing Education Can Help Deliver Better Outcomes

Empowering Veteran Patients through Digital Education

Discover how two Southeastern Veterans Affairs Healthcare System saw a decrease in Hospital-Wide All-Cause 30-Day Readmission Rates as more patients engaged with personalized video education. An educated patient is less likely to be readmitted, making brief video education a highly valuable component of the treatment plan.

Medicare Advantage Headwinds: Why You Should Proactively Engage MA Plan Members

Christian Bagge, VP of Payer Strategy To say there is a lot going on within Medicare Advantage these days would be a massive understatement. In my role of payer strategy here at Get Well, I recently attended the 14th annual Medicare Star Ratings, HEDIS®, Quality Assurance and Risk Adjustment gathering a few weeks ago in