An End-of-Year Message from Get Well’s Founder & CEO

As 2023 comes to an end I find myself on an Amtrak train from Washington, DC to New York City, blessed with a few moments to reflect on this past year. Our industry continues to twist and turn, urging Get Well to be nimble and forward thinking as our client partners bounce to the dynamic

Individualized care given by DAISY Honorees

Guiding grief with compassion

In intensive care units, challenging cases and clinician dedication intertwine. You have to be an exceptional provider to work in these environments, and an even more remarkable individual to emerge as a beacon of hope for those in your care, especially when guiding grief. Such is the case for Julia Marchese, a young RN who

Reimagining patient engagement with OSF HealthCare

As patients increasingly seek personalized healthcare experiences and continuity of care, more healthcare organizations are embracing the consumer-first notion of healthcare delivery. For a whole host of business reasons — reclaimed revenue, increased efficiency and patient retention, and improved outcomes and health equity to name just a few — organizations are reimagining patient engagement, recognizing

Individualized care given by DAISY Honorees

Finding Strength in Our Own Stories: Advocating for Patient Safety

People often receive care at the hospital during the worst time of their lives. They may be in pain, fearing what’s ahead, and seeking comfort and understanding from medical professionals, who serve as a beacon of light, a source of information and stability in rocky times.  That was the case for one patient in particular

Healthcare consumers using technology

Healthcare Consumer Behavior — Is Everything Old New Again? Not Quite.

Here we sit, at the beginning of 2023, and in so many ways consumer behavior looks much the way it did in 2020. It’s been a rollercoaster three years, and by many accounts, the wants and needs of consumers are emerging from a COVID-19 stalled stupor and returning to pre-pandemic levels. But healthcare consumer behavior

Women and men in a boardroom looking at a whiteboard

Patient Engagement as a Strategic Priority: How to Get There. And Why You Should.

Ask anyone in healthcare if providing a good experience for patients or if having patients who are engaged in their care is a good thing, you will of course get a resounding “yes.” Finding enthusiastic support for improving the patient experience is not a problem. The challenge is that for years — and especially as