Unlocking the
Power of Get Well’s Digital Patient Engagement Solutions
Better for your communities. Better for your care
teams. Better for your business.
Get Well 360: The Next
Generation Digital Patient Engagement Solution
In order to engage patients, a healthcare enterprise undoubtedly must go beyond just implementing an EHR and CRM. With Get Well 360, enterprises finally have access to a solution that revolutionizes every step of the healthcare journey –not only at the point of care, but also in the community, and beyond.
Get Well 360: Transform the Digital Patient Engagement Experience
Even though patients have choices, you can not only engage and retain them, but simultaneously meet your health equity objectives, improve efficiencies, leverage AI and more with Get Well 360. Find out more.
- Targeted outreach, specifically aimed at (re)activation, while also closing care gaps, as well as forwarding value-based care (VBC) initiatives
- Customizes campaigns at scale in order to reactivate and reengage patients
- Automates appointment scheduling so that staff are freed up add value elsewhere
- A multimodal smart room technology that has been carefully designed in order to improve communication and engagement.
- Interactive patient care as well as digital rounding in order to enhance patient satisfaction and streamline provider workflows
- Efficiency and accuracy is enhanced with EHR-based automation and documentation
- Digital white boards coupled with digital door boards simultaneously improves patient tracking and communication
- 300+ digital patient engagement care plans that subsequently navigate patients through pre and post discharge pathways.
- Virtual monitoring that results in increased patient safety as well as care
- Automated clinical workflows streamline processes, reduce errors, thus enhancing efficiency and patient care
- Symptom surveys and check-ins, consequently improving patient monitoring and early intervention
- Staff combined with AI-powered care navigation that is especially effective at closing health and social gaps
- SDOH screening as well as navigation resources in order to more effectively address health disparities
- Offers maternal health support and navigation, thereby encouraging regular prenatal visits and improving outcomes for mother and baby
- Especially effective mental health screening and navigation that results in better access and better care
- Easy-access digital patient engagement experience that delivers multiple benefits such as smart triage, wait time updates, symptom education, and entertainment
- Improves the digital patient engagement experience and quality while simultaneously automating administrative tasks
- Real-time digital patient engagement as well as pulse surveys in order to get you timely, actionable feedback
- Get Well Care Navigators are specifically trained to provide disease-specific outreach as well as help patients navigate to in-network providers and services
- Navigation to providers in addition to services
- Interactive ED and inpatient discharge support can significantly reduce inefficiencies and help reduce readmissions
- AI-informed check-ins and nudges consequently enhance patient engagement and optimize care management
Get Well 360:
Drives Value in Order
for Communities,
Care teams, and
Healthcare Enterprises to Thrive
A Full Range of Powerful Digital Patient Engagement Solutions
All in all, our depth of experience is unmatched. We’re incredibly well established and as a result have deep knowledge that allows us to drive enterprise results and ROI.
Hospitals and Health Systems
Get Well’s Hospitals and Health Systems solutions reimagine the digital patient engagement experience. As a result, your care team can focus on clinical care, and also more efficiently address the diverse needs of your communities.
Health Plan Solutions
Get Well Health Plan solutions are designed in order to improve the member experience, scale care management teams, and at the same time, better the overall health of your member population.
Government Solutions
Our digital patient engagement solution for government transforms care delivery so that veterans can access information sooner rather than later. Additionally, it is designed to support your whole-person health initiatives.
Pediatric Provider Solutions
Improve parent and caregiver access, encourage digital patient engagement, and offer parent education with our pediatric-focused care solutions.
International Provider Solutions
Our international digital patient engagement solution provides a seamless consumer-centered experience that actively engages patients outside of the U.S., while also allowing them greater control over their own health management
Altogether Unmatched Security and Interoperability
Get Well has earned HITRUST certification, a globally recognized security and compliance achievement, for its GetWell Anywhere platform. At the same time, our platform is also highly integrated and interoperable.
unique EHR integrations
partner integrations
countries served
patients engaged
Recommended resources
We have a well documented track record of success in delivering consumer-centered experiences that drive results.
Access our full Resource Library
How to Win Patient Loyalty in Today’s Digital World
Don’t get left behind– instead, download our whitepaper, How to Win Patient Loyalty in Today’s Digital World, in order to discover how you can elevate the digital patient experience and thrive in today’s consumer-centric healthcare landscape.
AWARE: A Technology-Driven Framework for Promoting a Safer Care Environment
We’ve paired Get Well’s innovative technologies together with the AWARE Framework, in order to offer a new solution that’s especially effective in addressing as well as helping reduce workplace violence in healthcare.
Inpatient RFP Template
Interactive patient care (IPC) must continually evolve in order to meet ever-increasing patient demands and technology advancements. Our inpatient RFP template can be tailored to meet the specific demands of your inpatient communities.