Amplifying Veteran Patient Engagement with Effective Staff Training

How Optimizing Clinical Staff Training Can Improve Patient Engagement in VA Medical Centers

Ivelisse Martínez, MPH, MBA, JD, Client Success Manager

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital health, effective patient engagement is crucial for driving positive outcomes and enhancing the overall patient experience. One Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) in the Southeast has taken a significant step in this direction by optimizing staff training to improve utilization of Get Well’s digital engagement platform. This strategic initiative not only addresses patient engagement but also tackles staffing challenges head-on.

The Challenge of Patient Engagement

A Southeastern VA Medical Center sought to amplify patient engagement through their GetWell inpatient solution. However, staffing shortages and temporary hires, who were not fully trained on the platform’s capabilities, presented hurdles. These obstacles hindered the potential impact of the digital engagement solution on patient care. It became clear that empowering staff with the necessary knowledge and skills was essential for maximizing patient utilization of the system.

Implementing Training Strategies

To address these challenges, the VAMC initiated a comprehensive staff training program. Their goal was to ensure that every team member understood the full functionality of the Get Well system and how it could enhance patient engagement. The initial strategy involved large group training sessions, accommodating 10-15 participants from the same unit. This approach aimed to quickly disseminate information to as many nurses as possible.

As the training sessions progressed, an interesting trend emerged. Nurses began reaching out individually, expressing a desire for more personalized, in-depth training sessions. Recognizing the potential benefits of a more tailored approach, we shifted the training strategy to focus on smaller groups and one-on-one training sessions.

The Power of Personalized Training

The transition to unit-based training with groups no larger than three participants proved to be a game-changer. This personalized training approach allowed for more effective communication, deeper understanding, and better retention of information. The quote, “Nothing beats one on one training and interaction,” encapsulates the value of this intimate training environment. By fostering direct interaction between trainers and staff, the VA Medical Center empowered its employees to confidently use the Get Well system to improve patient engagement.

Staff members who underwent these personalized training sessions demonstrated a significantly improved ability to onboard patients into the platform. They were also better equipped to guide patients through the system’s features, identifying TV sections of interest and facilitating smoother patient interactions.

Measuring the Impact

The results of this revamped training approach were both immediate and impactful. Patient utilization of the Get Well platform doubled, showcasing the direct correlation between staff training and patient engagement. This increase in activity highlighted the importance of equipping healthcare professionals with the right tools and knowledge to harness the full potential of digital health solutions.

By enhancing staff understanding of the desired patient experience and their role in delivering it, the VAMC not only improved patient engagement but also fostered a greater sense of commitment among its employees. When staff members feel empowered and knowledgeable, they are more likely to align with organizational goals and provide exceptional care.

Figure 1: Utilization before hardware refresh and staff training in October 2022.

Figure 2: Utilization of the program in March 2023, following staff training and hardware refresh.

Moving Forward

The success of this facility’s training initiative underscores the importance of adaptive strategies in healthcare. By recognizing the value of personalized training and actively involving staff in the process, healthcare organizations can create a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

For VA leadership and clinicians, the lessons learned from this experience can serve as a blueprint for future initiatives aimed at enhancing patient engagement and optimizing the use of digital health tools. By prioritizing staff education and fostering a collaborative learning environment, healthcare facilities can unlock the full potential of technology to improve patient outcomes.

In conclusion, the VA Medical Center’s commitment to effective staff training with Get Well’s technology has not only improved patient engagement but has also set a precedent for other healthcare organizations to follow. By investing in their workforce and leveraging the power of digital health, Get Well’s VHA clients are paving the way for a future where patient-centered care and technological innovation go hand in hand.

If you’re interested in learning more about how effective staff training can transform patient engagement in your organization, consider exploring a tailored training program with Get Well today.

Get Well is honored to enable the continuous delivery and improvement of quality care for Veteran patients with our VA Medical Center partners. Learn more about how Get Well enables Veteran Health initiatives through digital patient engagement at our website: