Empowering Veteran Patients through Digital Education How Digitizing Education Can Help Deliver Better Outcomes

Empowering Veteran Patients through Digital Education

Discover how two Southeastern Veterans Affairs Healthcare System saw a decrease in Hospital-Wide All-Cause 30-Day Readmission Rates as more patients engaged with personalized video education. An educated patient is less likely to be readmitted, making brief video education a highly valuable component of the treatment plan.

Digital Library Improves the Veteran Patient Experience

Digital Library Provides Extended Access for Veteran Patients

How creating access to a digital library, in lieu of a physical library, improved Veteran patient experience. Dana Kear, Client Success Manager Reading books is a long-recognized method to improve mental health & wellbeing. Books can enrich our lives, but could they have health benefits as well? Researchers at Yale studied recorded submissions of 5,635

Bringing Age-Friendly Care to the Veteran Bedside

How a Southeast Veterans Affairs Medical Center revolutionized a national Age-Friendly Care movement to better care for people aged 65+. Dennis Shuman, Client Success Manager The IHI (Institute for Healthcare Improvement) has spearheaded the Age-Friendly Health Systems initiative – an action plan to address the growing challenge of reliably providing evidence-based practice to every older