Empowering Veteran Patients through Digital Education How Digitizing Education Can Help Deliver Better Outcomes

Empowering Veteran Patients through Digital Education

Discover how two Southeastern Veterans Affairs Healthcare System saw a decrease in Hospital-Wide All-Cause 30-Day Readmission Rates as more patients engaged with personalized video education. An educated patient is less likely to be readmitted, making brief video education a highly valuable component of the treatment plan.

On-Demand Webinar: How Digital SDOH Screening & Navigation Drives Action and Reduces Administrative Burden

On-Demand Webinar: How Digital SDOH Screening & Navigation Drives Action and Reduces Administrative Burden

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) screening and navigation is critical to providing whole person care in today’s healthcare landscape. But many health systems struggle to screen for social needs, accurately document patient needs, and close the loop on resource referrals. In this on-demand webinar, you’ll hear from our expert, Chelsea King Arthur, VP of Ambulatory

A blog post banner with a photo of a smiling man in business attire. The banner reads: "BLOG POST: Medicare Advantage Headwinds: Why You Should Proactively Engage MA Plan Members. Christian Bagge, VP, Payer Strategy. Read Now to discover insights on clinical interventions and health equity. Get Well.

Medicare Advantage Headwinds: Why You Should Proactively Engage MA Plan Members

Christian Bagge, VP of Payer Strategy To say there is a lot going on within Medicare Advantage these days would be a massive understatement. In my role of payer strategy here at Get Well, I recently attended the 14th annual Medicare Star Ratings, HEDIS®, Quality Assurance and Risk Adjustment gathering a few weeks ago in