Adventist Health

Adventist Health realizes $120M in patient revenue with Get Well

The Results


in realized patient revenue attributed to Get Well in 29 months (avg. aprox. $50M/ year)


Adventist Health patients served


personalized Get Well Navigator interactions


digital consumer touchpoints


  • Automate generic post-discharge check-ins to 
augment staff
  • Reduce/eliminate need for time-consuming follow-up 
phone calls
  • Replicate successful clinical outcomes of Get Well across many service lines
  • Better serve more patients without over extending staff

The Solution

  • Implement personalized, timely mobile outreach to  patients to optimize post-discharge clinical outcomes
  • Customize outreach based on patient’s care plan and supply them with info on diagnosis, discharge instructions, prescription fulfillment options, and follow-up appointments
  • Enable care teams to be able to reach more patients and focus on the right patient at the right time 
  • Automatically escalate patients who might have complications and be at risk for readmission 
  • Collect patient reported outcomes measures and patient satisfaction data 
  • Improve clinical outcomes by standardizing a digital-first approach to patient education, information and safety resources